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What Else:

Of course the VCFe is the only reason needed to come to Munich and Germany, but I've been told that people exist who like to see more attractions during the visit, or they are accompanied by someone who is maybe not interested in VCFe (ok, this is a very hypothetical thought, let's just skip it :). Anyway, here are some links to other attractions in and around Munich.

The first website to visit for information about Munich are, of course, the official pages of the City of Munich.

Another idea of what to do in or around Munich? Just send an e-mail.


Frühlingsfest 20.4.-5.5.
Maybe the most attractive byprogram of the VCFe - at least for non residents.
Every Spring the Münchner Schausteller und Marktkaufleute open a 'small' Volksfest at the Theresienwiese to help survive the time until Oktoberfest. Well, small means here it will be just half as big as the Oktoberfest and offer just something like 100 different attractions - it's still big enough to get known among the top Volkstests in the world.
Maidult 27.4.-5.5.
The Maidult opens the Munich Dult-season every year. It's a real country fair. The Mariahilfplatz will be covered with booths and attractions. Don't expect the latest whooping thrill ride, although, the farris wheel is almost two stories high :)
A walk along the Dult gives a good combination with a visit of the Deutsches Museum, just a block away.
100 Years Deutsches Museum 07.05.
Founded on May, 7th 1903, the Deutsche Museum will hold celebrations to its 100 years anniversery.
Grand opening of the 'Verkehrszentrums des Deutschen Museums' (Transportation Museum) and open house at the Museum Island 11.05.
Timely to the 100th centenary, the new Transportation Muesum will open it's doors for the first time. Parallel the Deutsches Museum will hold its annual open house.


Fixed Attractions

Of course there are a lot of interesting places in and around Munich.

The Deutsche Museum
I guess nobody in this world needs a explanation as to what the Deutsche Museum is about. A new fact for most is the Flugwerft Schleißheim in Oberschleißheim. A branch of the Deutsches Museum, dedicated to aerospace. The Museum resides on one of the oldest aerodroms world wide, the first home of the former Royal Bavarian Airforce (königlich-bayerische Fliegertruppe), built in 1912.
Bavaria Filmstadt
Since the begining in 1919 the Bavaria Filmstadt (Bavaria Movie City) produced a countless number of movies. Modern silver screen classics like Das Boot, The Never Ending Story or Enemy Mine where done in this huge studio complex. Not to mention the vast number of TV Productions (including the eventually worldwide most sold, translated and aired show of all times: Der Kommisar). The Bavaria Filmtour is drilling a small peep hole into this. The tour isn't an artificial movie theme park but rather a guided tour thru a real studio. Of course you'll get your dose of show, stunt and action.

Dolche Vita

If there is something like Dolche Vita, you'll find it for sure in Munich, the secret capital of pleasure.

Kustpark Ost
The Kunstpark Ost is the maybe largest gathering of Clubs and Bars at a single location. About THREE dozend are at the former Pfanni factory site, right behind the Ostbahnhof (and realy close to the VCFe :). All danceaholics will get their chance of a lifetime.

Far away from Munich

Unbelivable, but there is more in Germany than just Munich.

KC-Clubtreffen 2005
The KC-Club gives the anual Meeting this year on April 16/17/18 in Pechtelsgrün. A must for every KC fan. BTW: A KC 85 made the Best of Show on VCF 3.0 in California in 1999.
Pension "Sonnenblick"
Hauptstraße 11a
08485 Pechtelsgrün
Tel: +49/(0)3760/632 174

Other Events (not around the VCFe date)

Even if there is no VCFe, the European scene doesn't sleep.

Platarida, a meeting for Atari Geeks in Budweis, Czech Republic (you know, the place where the real beer is originated, not the US clone brew),on June 17th-19nd. Like the VCFe, they celebrate their 6th year.
13th (!) Z-Fest 2005
As every year, the famous Z-Fest will take place in Fuldatal-Knickhagen at the weekend of 02/03rd of July. Meant as a meeting of Z80 geeks, but open to all 8 Bit guys and gals (arn't they great?).
Erlenbuschstr. 1
Tel. 05607-7602
Questions and Reservations to Gaby.
Fuldatal-Knickhagen is located about 350 km (200 mi) north of Munich.
XzentriX 2005
On September 3/4/5 every surviveing 8 and 16 Bit hands on Geek will eventualy find his way to Seeshaupt in Bavaria, to attent the quite unique XzentriX, existing in their 7th year.
Mehrzweckhalle Seeshaupt
Questions and Reservations to Stephan.

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Last Change 16:41 14.3.2006
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