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Vintage Computer Festival Europa
  News VCF 24(e) Agenda VCFe Live Exhibition Speeches Fleamarket Give Away Nerd Trivia Challenge Participate Registration Travel Directions Lodging What Else ? Past Glory VCF Survey VCFe-Shop FAQ Links Contact Page Navigation


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This Page
A short listing of all changes
VCF 24(e)
VCFe Livfe
Live pictures of the main area and real time transmissions of all speeches
Description of the exhibition and related issues
List of all planned speeches
Flea Market
A description of how the flea works and an explanation of how to participate
Give Away
Win! Win! Win!
Nerd Trivia Challenge
Rules for the wold class Nerd Trivia Challenge
VCFe needs YOU for success
Registration form
Travel Directions
Directions to the VCFe
Information about Lodging
What Else ?
A description of other attractions in and around Munich (and Europe) during VCFe, and a list of other (classic) computer related events
Past Glory
Reviews, pictures and other impressions of past VCFe
VCF Survey
The one who does the plan may find it usefull to gather some information about you, the visitor
VCFe Shop
Here you'll get all the cool, VCFe branded Warez - even after the show. Bragging rights included.
All the questions nobody ever asked
Further links
Contact address for the VCFe
Hard to imagine a web programm without all these small buttons - so here are ours

Mirror Servers

If these pages are slow to load, you should eventualty try one of the mirrors (Although these small pages should come up fast from any system):
Main Server of the Vintage Computer Festivals.
Stefan Walgenbachs HCM.

Further Questions ?
Click here and tell us!

[News] [VCF 24(e)] [VCFe Live] [Exhibition] [Speeches] [Flea Market] [Give Away] [Nerd Trivia Challenge] [Participate] [Registration] [Travel Directions] [Lodging] [What Else ?] [Past Glory] [VCF Survey] [VCFe Shop] [FAQ] [Links] [Contact]

Generated at 3:54 10.1.2025
Last Change 16:39 14.3.2006
Copyright © H.Franke