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Virtual VCFe 4.0

More than 40 Computers have been on display during VCFe4.0. This page may give some impressions.


Gruppenbild mit Dame(n)

All Exhibitors and Helpers The VCFe Crew.



A RK05j, which ad been used to demonstrate maintainance and technology of disk drives.
(Collection Gerd Schuenemann)
Middle (60,9 kB)
Large (287,4 kB)


The Tape drive connected to Jochen's PDP 11/73 - Eye catching movement.
(Collection Jochen Kunz)
Middle (55 kB)
Large (177 kB)

KC 85

A KC 85 'tower' with everything and a graphics tablet.
(Collection Frank Dachselt)
Middle (55,1 kB)

CBM 4064

Teachers PET 4064, a C64 in a CBM Case.
(Collection Herbert Kramer)
Middle (51,9 kB)

Mystery Commodore

A VIC20 mounted in a 'Big' PET frame, in conjunction with a 1541 disk drive and an overhead(!) LDC panel.
(Collection Herbert Kramer)
Middle (52,7 kB)

Olivetti M20

Olivetti M20 BC = Business Computer.
(Collection Michele Perini)
Middle (60 kB)

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Generated at 2:51 5.11.2024
Last Change 2:30 10.5.2003
Copyright © H.Franke