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We have also one of the (in)famous lists of Frequently Asked Questions (or at least the one we believe to be asked)

If there is any question left: Click here and tell us !

When and Where ?
 7.September 2024 from 10am till 6.30pm
 8.September 2024 from 10.30am till 7.00pm
 Mehrzweckhalle des ESV München Ost
 Hermann-Weinhauser-Straße 7
 81673 Munich

 Solar System
 Milky Way Westside
 Locale Cluster
What are the admission ?
One person, one day EUR 10,-
One person, all days EUR 18,-
A family, one day EUR 18,-
A family, all days EUR 28.
A family is defined as one or two adults (>15yo) and any number of Kids (<15yo).
And yes, all the above information is already printed in a large table on the main page, but there are still people known with problems to find it.
Conference Language
Conference Language is German. Why? Why not 'world language' English (Why the heck not going for Chinese)? Well, even considering all the international visitors already anounced, the majority of the audience will be German (a real unusual fact :). It would be a litte bit dumb (and maybe a sign of vast arrogance) to select anything else. As alway the universal rule of thumb is valid: if two (or more) people like to communicate, they will find their language, no matter whats 'official or not.
So, Why an English Title ?
Answer 1: What is the most notable sign to detect a German project ? Simple: Although the patron is a German institute, all money is spend from German taxes, nobody is realy interested in the result and none of the involves knows enough English to order a hamburger at McD, the project has to wield the abrevation of some (badly translated) English words.
Answer 2: The title VCFe is not only taken (well, better a good copy than a bad copyright :), it should also display in a very visible manner that we're implementing a unique and unified concept across the world. We are not about to create dozens of non organized events fighting a holy war about the right way. And more than this, also some of the heads behind the scenes are the same on both sides of the big pond. The event should celebrate our heritage independant of location, language or performers in a true network (Of course it may eventualy be a bit more Bavarian over here).
What does Vintage mean ?
- explanation skipped in English Version out of the obvious reason -
(well, no joke, over here this is really one of the most common questions. It seems as if Vintage isn't part of the basic school vocabulary :)
Why VCFe, VCF/E, VCF 6.0(e) or VCF 6.0e ?
Have you ever seen a consistent scheme to use version numbers ? Especialy when marketing and translation comes into action ?
What's a Nerd ?
Egghead ? Maybe not a question in the US, but the basic concept of a Nerd or a Geek is almost impossible to translate. These concepts, especially in their negative image, just doesn't exist in most European cultures - over here it is accepted and mainstream to be technological and scientific orientated. It is considered a desirable goal. So this is one of the rare cases where even the French, the upholder against all anglais evil may consider to adopt the term (Just to show how alien the language des États Unis is).
I need more of the cool, VCFe branded Warez
For all those who missed the oportunity to get their personal pice of VCFe, or even missed the show at all, here's now a chance to take advantage: The VCFe-Fan-Shop. Bragging rights included.
Consignment Booth ?
A courtesy service to sell your ol'stuff. Please see the flea market page.
Why are the Pages so 'Colourless' ?
Several people have asked me to 'pep up' the pages, using more colour and eventually a more 'up to date' navigation style (aka Frames and Java).
First of all, these pages age not meant to satisfy carriers by transferring always increasing data blobs, but rather to carry information. Who likes to wait for several minutes, just to realize that the information he wants to get is not embeded withing the two megaoctets of stylish graphics? So, no pictures beside the absolute essentials, and all possible information encoded as plain text. All pages are (at the moment) sized below 20 KB. Even thru a 9,600 modem the biggest one will load between 15 and 25 seconds (Ok, ok, the first page accessed needs eventualy 9 more seconds for all navigational elements).
Also these pages are designed not only to be displayed with every possible (HTML-) browser known to man (Including HL 2.5 :), but also be displayed in an acceptable manner (if not looking realy good :). Using Frames, Sourcehopping, Java and the latest weapons of the browser war will archive this goal NOT. And a 'Best Viewed with Internet Exploder 08.15 at 1600x1200' button on each page will not add any benefit (Now, if we meditate a bit about this, we will realize that 1600x1200 isn't exactly a bad resolution in any case).
The VCFe pages are checked with several common Browsers, notably Navigator, IE, Opera, Archane and of course Lynx. In fact Lynx is way more common among internet users than all of the advertising freaks belive - and within the CC community it's a common tool by nature - there is almost no network enabled system without a Lynx port (No, I won't include a 'Lynx enhanced' button ... ok, you won, here's a whole page of these little tweeps).
It should be common practice to design web pages to be accessable by 'challenged' folks (and it will go hand in hand with designing browser independant pages), but it is not. These pages give 'em a try.
And the most important reason: I like the pages the way they are.
I am Hungry !
We may not help your actual hunger, but during VCFe there will be no starvation (within the building). THe FMI beergarden next door will operate during VCFe Weekend and offer sandwiches (well not exactly sandwiches, but real Semmeln!) and drinks.
But I have (small) children, should I stll come ?
Of course, the children of today are tomorrows geeks. We love to see children of all ages at VCFe. There's quite a lot of things to discover. There are always other children to play with at VCFe.
May I Help ?
Just klick into the Participate page and check the opportunities.
Do I need Winter Clothes ?
Basicly no (unless you are from SoCal). This time of year is known to give us the first real warm days and Temperatures up to 25° Celsius (~80°F). In the night time temperatures below 8°C (~45°F) are rare. A check for the CNN or BBC weather pages may be useful. Keep in mind, after all April has just ended and at least in Germany, April weather stories are based on centuries of facts.

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Last Change 2:18 6.3.2024
Copyright © H.Franke